Why Attend?

Join us in 2025 to explore the spirit of Meraki in building deeper rooted relationships in business.

It's time to start thinking bigger than we ever have before.

The world is changing at such a rapid pace that our brand needs an updated approach in order for us not just to continue but also thrive as individuals and communities of people who care about one another deeply enough together! This means investing in true fans by turning them into confirmed followers; building relationships within the business like never before with clients becoming advocates/evangelists; empowering team members so they can do their job better while being excitedly self-empowered themselves.

A huge part of our conference will be focused on how you can use relationship marketing to understand your audience and build a relationship with them online and in-person. By doing so, you can build a group of people who know, like, trust, and refer you. Inviting you to be part of their private conversations.

Our speakers will talk about some of the biggest marketing trends and technologies, how they work, and how you can incorporate them into your business.

You’ll learn how to use your social media pages, email campaigns, blogs and overall web presence to get more attention, convert more leads and increase sales. We use a combination of knowledge-packed speaker sessions and hands-on learning so when you head back to the office you know what you’re doing.

We will be diving into tactics on:

NOW Team

Have an immediate question?

The NOW Marketing Group team is here for you.

Catch them during the conference and ask them your question. We’ll offer insights and real-world solutions to solve any issues you may be having.

Learn how relationship marketing can enhance what you do online

This is a big-city conference in little Lima. You truly won’t experience anything like this without heading outside of town.

If you’re a small business owner or marketer, you really want to be here. Our speakers are flying in from around the country to be there for you.

You will take home the best advice and learn the best social media strategies to enhance your marketing and help you magnetize the right audience for your business. Get energized and rejuvenated with fresh ideas for what your business can do to attract and build the relationships that matter!


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