
A conference is more than just topics and speakers

It’s about meeting other like-minded individuals and leaders

Looking to swap business cards, exchange experiences and gather new ideas? We get it. Conferences can facilitate valuable networking time that allows you to meet with other business leaders like yourself, which can help foster relationships and encourage collaboration.

At Social Media Week Lima, we’re all about relationships

Alongside our sessions and workshops, you’ll have the opportunity to meet and network with people like you: entrepreneurs, business owners and marketing extraordinaires. Between each session, we will provide you with time to get to know other attendees.

We encourage you to meet the people at your table, seek out the speakers and find the NOW team. Start a new relationship. Perhaps you’ll meet your next business partner! Be sure to have conversation starters ready to go and schedule extra time before and after conference days so you have the opportunity to make connections with others.

If you are looking for networking tips, here are a few of our favorites:

  • Forget the business cards – start a conversation in the SMWL25 Group starting with, “If you really knew me you’d know I ______.” The Facebook group is a great way to get to know speakers, attendees and the conference organizers (ah-hem, us!) a lot more before, during and after the event to create meaningful connections that last!
  • Plan some ice-breaker questions like “What is your superpower and what would be your kryptonite?”
  • Share personal stories to help build relationships – tell us about a time you accidentally showed up a day early to a conference … wait, that was me! Lol
  • Be sure to ask open-ended questions like, “What is one project you’d like to complete this year and what do you need to get it accomplished?”
  • Always be genuine and keep eye contact
  • Follow up with your connections after the conference is over. Video or audio messages are easy to do and perfect for this purpose!

We are so excited to meet all of you and help build relationships!

There will be spaces available for you to sit and talk with the people you meet, both in a group or private setting. Our goal is that every attendee gets to enjoy good food, great company and informative sessions at #SMWL25!


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